CP -- A video about the Pop-Up album
21 October 2011 12:54 pm
Here's a video which Parlophone have made about the special limited edition Pop-Up Album version of Mylo Xyloto.
CP -- Design a butterfly for the Unstaged Show
20 October 2011 2:17 pm
Your butterfly it may be featured during next week's American Express Unstaged show
CP -- Final allocation of Norwich tickets
20 October 2011 1:10 pm
Coldplay.com readers can buy the final tickets for the UEA show online
CP -- Roadie #42 - Blog #151
19 October 2011 10:05 pm
Neill Lambert (my keyboard-world partner in crime) has just been on stage to check the piano before the KROQ webcast begins. Before he’s even got back to our rig at stage left, Anchorman (my website co-conspirator) has emailed me a screen-grab...
CP -- Watch the Paradise video
19 October 2011 7:34 am
See the brand new video now